Monday, February 25, 2008

On Diamonds We Will Dance...Cancer Does Not Stand A Chance

anyone can be a star
when you're rocking on guitar

so continuing from earlier...a camera definitely helps with the chronological-aty of the weekend :)

A couple of my favorite memories of the weekend!!
  • the tunnel of love
  • the walk...around the world! getting a massage in Rockefeller Center
  • learning the line dance and doing it 46 times or so...
  • Visitors
  • Pre-historic mail call :) my letters/cards were fabulous, motivational, hilarious
  • OOOorange winning color wars!
  • moralers
  • water gun battles with kids
  • massages especially from some of the tators
  • family hour
  • one big dance party
  • the pep-rally (despite standing practically still for 2ish hours it hurt so bad)
  • the sea of colors throughout the BJC
In addition to seeing people on shift i left out some key people Alyssa, who's our co-pres for SPSEA also a regulator, Cathy another regulator whom i met through ed thp-she came up with some awesome THON mail, chelsea with opp also came to visit when she wasn't on shift :) woohoo gilmore girl parties, which are truly missed, allison with PR--she was uber supportive throughout the entire weekend and i saw her alot. some kids on morale-Ben sporting his new hair cut was great, derek-ed thp recitation w/ david!, quortney who caught me during a beginning of a break down was there, whom i met through relay, laura with some SPSEA love, my fellow dancer moralers :-D, and kt-tri cross love and past dancer experiance!! everyone on shift was great. including captains catlin rubies and commandos 2 years srong, bethany fellow education major, lauren kay-last years committee, and lauren and hallie from relay!!
continuing on with fellow dancer friends! my SPSEA girls were amazing!! Allison, Sam, and Catie! you guys were great it was awesome dancing along side of you for 46 hours. and my piggy back for catie was amazing...our 87 load was great :) haha though ben thought i was crazy!
Kelly--some more spsea love..and go ORANGE! lauren fellow orange color wars partner, friend w/ ryan and also another ruby! andrea...2nd mile :), and some more!! i'm so proud of all 708 dancers we did an amazing job!

now for the remainder of people that came to visit me!!
My Asians--suong, boi, thuy, nugget :) you guys were awesome....if only through the pit, your cookies were amazing--i shared them with either my moraler or another dance i can't remember! but they were delicious...some peanutbutter too :) yumm!!! love you guys. shafin found me on the floor...decided to shoot me with his squirt gun even though i told him no a million times, then i beat him in a push up contest, how embarrassing is that, seriously! Melissa found her way onto the floor to visit the thespians but found me in the mean time....she was great! i'm so glad i decided to do band and meet awesome people...i love how we joked about brining my clarinet and practicing for our playing midterm on the THON floor! sometime saturday evening my parents and little brother came! it was great for them to come and experience what THON really is, i hope it opened my lil bro's eyes up about what you can do in college and hopefully he'll apply himself more in school and use his intelligence a little more and stop slacking off! THON weekend also taught my mom how to text message...haha thats just funny! but they enjoyed themselves so i'm glad they made the trip from the 'burgh! some people came to visit me a couple times, but sean was the last one i saw THON weekend...he tried coming earlier like some time saturday night? not sure what time but my phone was dead so he called and i didn't know...i felt soo bad, but he came back during family hour which was great. especially since i saw him after the emotional part of family hour, and since i didn't see my moraler for a while, it was awesome!!--all the pumped up music was playing, lol sweet caroline came on and we didn't know a majority of the lyrics just the "SWEET CAROLINE oh oh oh...touching me....touching you part" haha. but for some reason it was all my shoulders that were sore i and still have a knot in my he massaged it and it felt soo good. but it was a good last visit we just stood there talking about the weekend, he was supportive and such it was awesome!!! then he had to go get work he sent me back to my SPSEAers! (apparently he got his nittany notes done so thats good)

hmm...anything else about this past weekend! i dunno for now but it was AMAZING, INSPIRATIONAL, UNBELIEVABLE....i'd say dancing is the most physical and one of the most emotional things i've ever experienced in my entire life. i love how everyone involved in THON doesn't have a voice just show's how dedicated we are to the cause and the kids!

Chica Chica Yea....Bed time :) Love THON 2008 .... thanks for all the support, i wouldn't have made it without every minute of it!!!!!

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